Parking in Barcelona
Generally, people that decide to travel by car to Barcelona have certain difficulties to park their car once they arrive to the city.
Generally, people that decide to travel by car to Barcelona have certain difficulties to park their car once they arrive to the city.
Many people that come to Barcelona for the first time and want to rent an apartment don’t know where to start from. Our goal is Read more
Since Barcelona is a top destination in Europe, there are many people interested to buy apartments here and invest in a good way. If you’reRead more
Barcelona is one of the spanish cities with the best infrastructure and the highest living standard. It has one of the cheapest and most diverseRead more
One of the first things do to once you rent an apartment in Barcelona is to set up the internet. A great majority of theRead more
In order to rent an apartment in Barcelona with our company, here’s what you need:
Many of our clients need help with opening a bank account when they arrive to Barcelona, since it’s necessary for installing the internet, payingRead more
EU citizens
It used to be an easy matter some time ago to get the EU residence certificate and NIE number (Número de Identidad de Extranjero). It was enoughRead more